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Event scheduling minimum notice conditions: are "days" 24 hours or calendar days?

  • 25 October 2023
  • 6 replies

Hi there,

When setting the minimum amount of notice required to book an event, are “days” counted as 24 hours before the exact time of the event or actual complete calendar days ahead of the day of the event regardless of the event starting hour?


What I am trying to ensure is that the deadline for booking any event at any time taking place on the 27th of October ends at midnight two calendar days before (23:59 of the 25th / 00:00 of the 26th), so that when I arrive at the office at 9:00 on the 26th (the day before the event) I already have the definitive list of booked events to arrange.


Initially I set it to 33-35 hours ahead but it’s not ideal (either events late in the day are not yet closed the morning before, or events early in the morning cannot be booked at night 2 days before the event).

Hi @cendub!

The 2-day setting isn’t 2 full calendar days and is instead representative of 48 hours.

However, I just posed this question to some of my more innovative peers and I think the solution you’re looking for might be to use a 32 hour scheduling condition assuming you have your working hours set to 8 hours. Together, this gets you out of the in between day. Check out this Loom one of my peers made and let us know if it helps!


Thank you for your clarification Jillian!


The problem is that our events can take place anytime between 9 am and 8 pm, so there is always a trade-off.


I guess the best compromise for now is to set it to 33 hours (so that the deadline is 00:00) and just hold it until a bit later in the morning the day before to arrange events (so that the bookings for 8pm events are closed). Might also be clearer as we have people booking from different time zones.


Thanks again!

Got it @cendub. I wish we had a more perfect solution for you, so I’ll definitely be adding this to my product feedback list!

Hi again Jillian,

Since you are adding it to your product feedback, on the same line you might be interested in mentioning a related issue that could be considered for possible future features, which would be the ability to set specific deadlines for individual weekdays, so that, for instance, on Friday morning one can have the definitive list of events for the next morning.

Currently we have to choose between either not offering events on Monday morning so that we have time to organize them on the same day, or having someone checking new bookings on Sunday off work hours ir order to deal with the events for Monday morning. If we had the definitive list for Monday events on Friday, we could offer Monday morning events and have them organized before leaving the office for the weekend.


I love the thinking @cendub. A few jobs ago (was leading an engineering innovation program), I had the type of schedule that absolutely required me to have my schedule figured out before I left the afternoon before so I knew where I had to go, what I had to bring, any special security or safety considerations, and all that fun. And of course, the scheduling system we used - plain old vanilla on-premise Outlook - had no way of helping me achieve this. And that of course meant I had many mornings of checking my schedule ludicrously early, realizing I needed to dash into the lab to grab something, and then booking it for a location way too far away!

So needless to say, Calendly and having the ability to set specific scheduling deadlines would have been wildly helpful.

I’m going to tag in my peer @SchedulingSteve as he’s been on the hunt for innovative feedback. Thoughts, Steve?

Thank you for the clear explanations of your problem and how you’re working around it in the meantime., @cendub ! I’m bringing this back to the team for our consideration into our next roadmap planning cycles.