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Every time a meeting is rescheduled, a new Microsoft Teams meeting is generated. Can I get it to stop?

  • 8 February 2024
  • 18 replies

I have had attendees get very confused, and meetings be missed, because the attendee rescheduled. It generated a new Microsoft Teams link. I don’t know how, but they will end up using the link from the first meeting and not the second one. I’m not sure why it has to change. In Outlook when  you update an appointment, the Teams link doesn’t change.

I  believe the user has to remove the old version of the meeting from their calendar. We even send them an email TELLING them that the Teams link has changed, and sometimes they ignore it and we still have issues. 

I don’t know how to resolve this.

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18 replies

Userlevel 6

Hi @Smartbridge!

I just wanted to let you know we’re digging into this and trying to get you answer. From what we can tell, the meeting should show the most current and correct link as intended. But it sounds like you’ve got enough attendees finding the old link somewhere that there’s got to be a reason and some sort of interface/experience confusion.

Bear with us. As soon as we’ve got some info or something to look into, we’ll let you know!

Thanks @jillian, I appreciate it!

Hi @jillian , were you able to find anything out? We’ve continued to have this issue and started troubleshooting it ourselves and discovered something. 

When we add another employee to the meeting invite, the link in the LOCATION field seems to be correct - the one that is a calendly domain.

However, the Teams link meeting in the body of the appointment has a different meeting ID - the person requesting the meeting and our internal staff have different IDs. We aren’t sure if this is a symptom of how our Microsoft org is set up. I know that when we set up meetings outside of Calendly, that the Teams detail will automatically pop up. So I’m not sure if it’s replacing the one that was already there. Does this sound like something yall have seen happen before? 


Userlevel 6

Hi @Smartbridge!

Kelsi and I asked around out entire Support department here at Calendly and no one has come across this yet. We’re working on seeing if anyone further out - Sales, Product, etc. - might have any insight. Needless to say, this is a weird and tricky one for sure.

Thanks for the update on what you discovered. Can I get some clarification/elaboration on a few things? I always hate to assume!

  • You mentioned “when we add another employee”. Is this being done through Calendly or Outlook?
  • In regards to “Teams link meeting in the body of the appointment has a different meeting ID” - Which one is the correct - or intended - meeting? I’m really starting to wonder if for some reason your instance of Microsoft isn’t recognizing that the Calendly meeting has a location already defined and it’s basically augmenting the existing appointment. That could explain why rescheduling changes one of the meeting IDs, but theoretically not the other.

Thanks @jillian !

  • We are adding through Outlook. 
  • Yes, your theory sounds like a very plausible answer . In the body, there is also a Microsoft Teams link. I always assumed it was generated by Calendly, but I’m thinking our M365 is doing that one? I don’t know what changed if so, we have been successfully doing this for 2 years and just now having these issues. 

Apparently now this may be an issue regardless of whether it gets rescheduled. I’m still trying to understand that layer of this, but maybe the root cause is this durn double link!

I put a screenshot below - is it normal for the Ms Team meeting link to show in the body like this? I thought it always appeared but now I’m wondering if our Outlook is mucking up the appt details. It goes to the meeting  requester (lead) too, so that’s what really threw us off.


Userlevel 7

@Smartbridge hey again! While we continue to try to look for answers on this matter from our end, can I ask if you have reached out to MS Teams/Microsoft support to ask for their insight, yet? I know reaching out to another support team can be a little annoying and time consuming but I am really curious as to whether or not they might have some answers or suggestions for you/us that might help us move forward.

I appreciate the info you provided above - it’s very helpful! I promise we will get back ASAP as we continue to dig into this for you, as well.

FYI - I am attempting to test this behavior on my end so I can see what the invite should look like/whether the link should appear in the body as it does above - as I am now questioning what I think I know! Lol!



Thanks @Kelsi at Calendly  - No, we haven’t asked Microsoft yet because I think I have to get our IT desk involved in that. We’re likely going to show them what we found this week. Microsoft support is usually so painful, I expect it will take much back and forth with them to understand what our problem is…..

Userlevel 6

I hear you entirely on that @Smartbridge. Ironically we get quite a few questions for other platforms on here (that we try to answer to the best of our ability) and I can only assume it’s because some support scenarios are quite painful.

So one of my peers was able to test out the workflow late Friday and wasn’t able to reproduce which definitely leads me to believe it’s something on the Microsoft side. I did some more digging and I’m really curious if this forum post is discussing the instigator. I could see turning that off entirely being a problem potentially, but any chance you could explore this for a moment, maybe run some dummy tests (meeting with you by you), and see what happens with rescheduling?

@jillian - Ah, ha. Yep, I bet that’s the issue! I had not thought it would be added to appointments created by a 3rd party system outside of our Outlook. We’ve had this setting on for a while - I think all last year. Perhaps Microsoft updated the feature recently and it’s now being added to these as well.

So it’s safe to say that the only TRUE meeting link that is created is the one that starts with If that’s the case I can confidently share info on how to operate until we get IT to turn off this feature.


Userlevel 6

I feel it’s about 94% safe to say that the true meeting link would be the one that Calendly domain involved since we know Teams wouldn’t have manifested it otherwise. I would definitely do a bit of testing within your ecosystem to make sure all is well before turning off that setting. And I have no idea how or why it would have changed. I bet there are some release notes out there with a one-liner explaining your headaches!

I’m super curious now how other organizations are handling this if this is in fact the issue! I distinctly remember hearing my husband grumble the other day about Zoom and Teams and which meeting link (his company uses Microsoft + Zoom; Calendly generally uses Google + Zoom hence my lack of familiarity these days), so now I’m wondering if this exact setting is the culprit.

Do keep us up to date and let us know if we did not find the issue. We’re invested now. 😂

Okay thanks! That link you shared showed a screenshot that maybe lets you control it on an individual level, not organization. I tried that, but it didn’t work. Likely because the calendar I use to book meetings is shared with me and a teammate. I’ll keep digging and see if I can turn that off - it’s got to be it. 


Userlevel 6

Just did a bit more digging and it appears you should also check the add-in too. More on that here and here.

I am having the exact same issue. I have Outlook disabled, adding online meetings, We only integrated Zoom with Calendly. Any time I manually change a calendly meeting time/date, it adds Teams (in addition to the existing Zoom meeting)(. Veery frustrating. 

Userlevel 6

Oh @Nick85631. Sounds like you’ve definitely got to check out some of the links we’ve been exploring in this thread so far (scroll up; you’ll see them in blue). If you’ve only integrated Zoom with Calendly but are still seeing Teams meetings being added, that sounds like the same issue with Outlook automatically adding Teams meetings to all new calendar appointments.

We wish you luck! Let us know if we can help at all from the Calendly side of things.

I am having the exact same issue. I have Outlook disabled, adding online meetings, We only integrated Zoom with Calendly. Any time I manually change a calendly meeting time/date, it adds Teams (in addition to the existing Zoom meeting)(. Veery frustrating. 

Misery loves company! I was wondering if Microsoft started doing this, why we would be the only Calendly customer having this issue. Right now, I’m waiting on a help desk ticket internally to see if they can turn it off on our shared calendar. If you’re using your own account without any fanciness, are you able to toggle that switch off and have that work? The first link Jillian shared shows you where it is.

I’ve always had “add online meetings to all meetings” disabled in Outlook. This is frustrating.

Userlevel 6

Be sure to check and see if you’ve got the add-in as well @Nick85631. Looks like there are two places that can cause this. Links about that are in the post from me right before your first post.

If I had to take a wild guess, I know most organizations don’t roll out Microsoft updates the moment they hit and sometimes they’re fairly delayed (to give IT/security time to review). When I search for this issue (Google results here), there is a wild influx of this being asked about in July/August 2023, so it likely was a specific version/update that introduced either new functionality or a new bug. In fact there’s talk about a bug in this thread (about half way down).

So sorry you’re both dealing with this. I wish us Calendly peeps could help you more!

Details on this issue:

Title: Some users' new meetings created in the Outlook desktop client may automatically include Microsoft Teams meetings.

Root cause: Some recent changes intended to optimize the Microsoft Teams meeting add-in for the Outlook desktop client interacted negatively with the code path leveraged in specific older Outlook desktop versions, subsequently resulting in impact.