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Exhibition with two conference rooms

  • 11 June 2024
  • 8 replies

Hi. We have a sales team of 8 people and ideale I want to set up an exhibition event where a customer can choose the date / time for the event + the wished sales guy.

  1. Is this in general possible or do I need to create one exhibition event per sales person?
  2. We have two conference rooms on the exhibition and I want to avoid an overlap within the bookings. I read the article to set up a conference room as a calendly user and always create a ne event with the user + the conference user to avoid overlaps. 
    I general I understood this concept BUT: the restriction for bookings are the sales person availability + the wished conference room. Meaning: company X wants to have a meeting with sales person Y at October 13, 10 am. Meeting room 1 is already booked so the system give only meeting room 2 as an option to book OR both meeting rooms are already booked, so in this case company X needs to select another slot where also a meeting rom (beside the sales person) is available.

Are both topics possible? If yes, how?


Would be great if someone could help.

Thanks in advance.


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8 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Andreas75247 -- thanks for your post!

  1. You will need to set up one event type for each sales person and conference room (meaning, if one sales person could book in two different rooms they’ll need two event types, one for each room for each sales person). 
  2. In order to be able to book these conference rooms + sales people without overlap issues, you will need to purchase a seat in your Calendly plan for each sales person.

I suggest using Calendly Routing Forms to meet this goal. Routing forms let you request information such as industry, company size, specific interests, etc. from website visitors and automatically direct them to a specific scheduling or web page based on their responses. It's great for screening and qualifying sales leads on a website or matching clients or students to the booking page of the right subject-matter expert based on their interests, program, or other criteria. You can read more about setting up routing forms, here!

This would look something like this: 

  • Create an event type for each sales person > each conference room
  • Create a routing form
  • On the form, ask questions for the invitee to answer such as, “Which sales person do you wish to book?” and “Which room do you wish to book?” 
  • Use routing logic to then send an invitee to the correct event type for booking based on their answers
  • Share your routing form link or embed it on your website (or both)

Read more here: 

I hope this helps!

Thanks a lot. I will try it

Userlevel 7

You are so welcome @Andreas75247 -- let me know if you run into any more issues/have more questions!

Hi. We have a sales team of 8 people and ideale I want to set up an exhibition event where a customer can choose the date / time for the event + the wished sales guy.

  1. Is this in general possible or do I need to create one exhibition event per sales person?
  2. We have two konferens conference rooms on the exhibition and I want to avoid an overlap within the bookings. I read the article to set up a conference room as a calendly user and always create a ne event with the user + the conference user to avoid overlaps. 
    I general I understood this concept BUT: the restriction for bookings are the sales person availability + the wished conference room. Meaning: company X wants to have a meeting with sales person Y at October 13, 10 am. Meeting room 1 is already booked so the system give only meeting room 2 as an option to book OR both meeting rooms are already booked, so in this case company X needs to select another slot where also a meeting rom (beside the sales person) is available.

Are both topics possible? If yes, how?


Would be great if someone could help.

Thanks in advance.


I was also searching for the solution. Thanks

Hi. One more question which is connected to this one:
I need to set up one event type per sales person. It will be the same event type with the same event content and settings per person. When I clone the event I can’t change the host. What do I wrong or how can I clone events and use it every time for another host (On-on-One event)?

Br, Andi

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Andreas75247 -- great questions! 

You cannot create a one-on-one event type and then use clones of that one-on-one for different hosts. Those clones will all live under your account and will only be able to be assigned to you. This is because one-on-one event types can only be created under an account/host’s name, not on a Team Page or elsewhere. You cannot assign an event under your own account to another host, and you cannot move an event from where it’s been created. One-on-one event types are not the right choice for your needs, here!

You will need to do something similar to what I suggested for the other user, above, so you’ll need to choose from these two options.


  • create a Team Page
  • use Round Robin Event Types or Collective Event Types as one-on-one event types on that team page (read more here)
  • create one Round Robin or Collective ET for each of your hosts (you can do this by cloning an ET, be it Round Robin or Collective, once you’ve created one!)
  • share the link for your team page so invitees can book with whomever they please


  • follow all the steps above
  • instead of sharing the link to the team page, create a Calendly Routing Form
  • create a question on the form, such as, “which team member would you prefer to book with?” with each name listed as an option
  • create routing logic that sends the invitee to the appropriate event type based on their answer
  • share the routing form link so invitees can book via the form

Alternatively, you could look into our Admin Managed Events and consider those for your team, as well. Ultimately, you will need to choose one of these alternatives to the one-on-one events created under your own account/name, as those cannot be utilized in this manner. 

I hope this helps! Check out our Company Admin Guide, too! 


Additional resources: 


Hi. Thanks a lot. Sounds a little bit complicated for a simply clone function. I don‘t really understand why ypu block for team admins that they simply can clone events and change host (e.g. only allow for not active events with no bookings). Would be much easier and clearer from the UX.

Br, Andi

Userlevel 7

Hey again @Andreas75247 -- sorry for any confusion!

The owner/admin can clone events and change hosts of events for team events. What you cannot do is create an event under your own profile (one-on-one events can only be created for individual hosts underneath their own profile) and then assign that event to another host’s profile. 

Events “live” where they are created.

So, no matter what -- if you want to have multiple people in your Calendly organization and you’d like to manage them all as a team, you will need to create a Team Page or use Admin Managed Events. Otherwise, you will have to let them all have their own one-on-one events under their own profiles, and each of those events would have individual booking links. Not ideal for a sales team, I’m sure!

It’s simple, I promise!

  • create your team page
  • add your team members
  • create one event type
  • clone that event type as many times as you need
  • assign each clone to a team member
  • share the link to your team’s booking page

The only steps that are outside of what you were attempting to do, before (with one-on-one events on your profile) is creating the team page + adding users to the team.

The routing form suggestion was just thrown in there because many users running teams like yours prefer the clean, streamlined process of routing, especially on their websites. 

I hope this helps!