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Hi everyone 😀

We offer 1:1 consultations for our customers and use Calendly for scheduling. The challenge is that our calendar is filling up quickly, making it difficult for customers to find available slots.

We do not have a fixed number of consultants, and customers can choose whether they want the consultation in person, via Teams, or by phone.

Is there a way to extend this in Calendly? Ideally, we would like to increase the maximum number of simultaneous bookings — for example, from 1 to 2—so that more customers can schedule appointments at the same time. 

I did not find a clever way to do this so far - any ideas? 

Hi ​@FSWI - Thanks for reaching out!

Had to do some thinking on this one. The issue we run into is that you could use Group Events, however, they have a minimum number of slots set at 2. I think another way you could do this is by creating a separate 1:1 event , and have it set to overlap your current event. Once thats configured, if a customer reaches out about not being able to find a specific slot, you can send that customer a Single Use Link so they can select a time and date that overlaps with another event. You can read more about overlapping events here:

The other option is using Group Events like I mentioned, those events you can manually change the invitee limit after the first booking at that time has been made. It would require some more manual work for it though.

I think the option to overlap the event with another may be the smoothest way to do it, but I’ll leave this post open in case any other users have workarounds for this!
