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External cancellation

  • 3 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Bonjour, comment un invité peut-il annuler un rdv? Le bouton “cancel” dans l’email de notification reçu pour le rdv est indexé à l’hôte. Merci!

Hi @Clubeee00047!

The ‘Cancel’ button that the invitee sees will allow them to cancel on their end. You’re seeing a different experience because you are the host.


Le bouton « Annuler » que voit l’invité lui permettra d’annuler de son côté. Vous vivez une expérience différente parce que vous êtes l’hôte.

Thanks for your answer but when I register a rdv under another email in order to check all settings, when I cancel, it eventually indicate that the cancellation provides from the host! So I'm confused.

Hey there @Clubeee00047 -- thanks for your follow up. 

In order to make sure invitees can cancel/reschedule you have to choose to include those buttons for them in their confirmation emails and reminders. Check out the short video I made you going over this: