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Feature Request/Adjustment: reducing extraneous clicks when managing events

  • 11 July 2024
  • 1 reply

I manage about 30 different event types for various combinations of groups on our team. 

I frequently need to go through all (or almost all) of the event types to make adjustements. Sometimes we want to reword or add a question in all the event types, or we want to change the “how many days out” setting for all event types. 

It’s tedious that I have to open all events, but it’s made much MUCH worse by the fact that I cannot use the browser-standardn “open in new tab.”  I have to:

  1. Pick one event, click on it and wait for it to load
  2. Make the adjustment and remember which one I just did
  3. Go back to the list of events and wait for that page to load again
  4. Once I get to #10, click the “More” link.
  5. Find the next one and open it

Repeat 30 times.  

Please, please, please… can you make it possible to open events in a new tab? That would really save me tons of time, because then I can just open them all in a bunch of tabs, know I got them all (no trying to remember where I left off and realizing later that I somehow skipped one), and close the tabs as I make the required edits. 
Slightly better would be if it could “remember” if “More” was selected last time and reopen automatically, though that would still be a LOT slower. It’s a waste of time and resources to reload the exact same page 30 times. 

PS. It would also be helpful if search could find the word anywhere in the title, instead of only the beginning. ie: the events that have a person’s name at the end of them could be found by searching for that person’s name.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Katie_DFN -- thanks so much for your post.

We really, truly appreciate thorough feedback like this. I agree that it gets tedious to have to go back to your landing page > scroll through your event types > click “more” and scroll again -- only to open up a single event type -- rinse, repeat. I do not blame you for finding this process frustrating when you have so many event types to manage! 

I am going to make sure to include everything you said in our monthly report for the product team.

I cannot make any promises re: when or if changes like this might be implemented, but I can champion your voice and make sure this is seen by the right eyes.

I hope you have a good day!