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Feature Request: Apply Managed Events to One-Off Meetings

  • 19 July 2024
  • 2 replies

As a… Calendly Admin

I would like… for users to be able to select pre-configured events when creating one-off meetings

So I can... reduce the number of event types I have to create


For example: Our SDRs book demo’s on behalf of sales reps. These demo invites need to include the SDR and have a consistent formatting. To minimize risk and manual entry for SDRs, I have to create a separate event type for each SDR * AE pairing. It’s tedious. If a third person needs to be added to an event, SDRs will need to edit the resulting google invite or create the demo meeting from scratch.


Potential Alternative: Let users select an existing event type to act as a template. This would bring in the duration, location, event description, communication settings, etc.


For 1 BILLION Bonus Points: It would be amazing if these one-off meetings could be launched from contact (HubSpot) records such that the prospect email, name, and company owner is auto-filled.

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Userlevel 7

Hey there @Trish46058 -- I don’t usually answer at 4am but I just had to jump in when I saw this notification. 

While I’d obviously LOVE 1 BILLION Bonus Points (who wouldn’t?) -- I cannot promise if or when this type of feature request might be put on the roadmap. What I can do is take the feedback to the product team -- which I’ll be so happy to do for you! 


💡 However! I have some information you might be interested in…

Have you heard about our Customize Once and Share tool? It allows you to do a lot of what you are asking for, here. 


📮 With the Customize Once tool, you can:

  • take any existing one-on-one event type
  • customize any/all details for this single customized version of that existing ET (duration, name, location, availability, communications etc.)
  • share that ET with one invitee (via auto-generated single-use link)


It does not allow for adding additional hosts or creating from contacts, but it’s a great start for your ask, here!

I hope this helps! 🤗

Hey @Kelsi at Calendly thank you for your generously quick response.


The Customize Once and Share tool is very cool. I could see us using it for other use cases, and will put it to good use.


You are right that it wouldn’t work for my SDR workflow since we need multiple hosts.