As a… Calendly Admin
I would like… for users to be able to select pre-configured events when creating one-off meetings
So I can... reduce the number of event types I have to create
For example: Our SDRs book demo’s on behalf of sales reps. These demo invites need to include the SDR and have a consistent formatting. To minimize risk and manual entry for SDRs, I have to create a separate event type for each SDR * AE pairing. It’s tedious. If a third person needs to be added to an event, SDRs will need to edit the resulting google invite or create the demo meeting from scratch.
Potential Alternative: Let users select an existing event type to act as a template. This would bring in the duration, location, event description, communication settings, etc.
For 1 BILLION Bonus Points: It would be amazing if these one-off meetings could be launched from contact (HubSpot) records such that the prospect email, name, and company owner is auto-filled.