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Hey Calendly team!


One thing that I really want to have is the ability to give my calendly link to a person and limit the slots they can choose from. Sometimes I want to limit the options a person sees with my link.


I don’t want to really generate a new event since it’s essentially the same event, just different time constraints. Also for different people, priorities may change (For certain people I want to show A,B,C slots while for other high-priority people I want show A,B,C,D,E,F)



Hi ​@dudu1542,

Totally agree that more control over slot visibility would be a great add. I’ll share your feedback with our Product team.

In the meantime, one workaround I’ve really been enjoying is using our Gmail or web extension to basically pick a few times, copy the resulting snippet, drop it in email, and remove the “See all available times” (I didn’t remove it yet from screenshot; wanted to keep it to show you what line I was talking about). It’s not a perfect solution and if someone really wanted to see everything - they’d find a way.

Hope this helps!