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I’m looking to make our Calendly events similar to how Microsoft Booking is setup where a client can manually select which host they want to meet with. I’d also like the ability to add multiple meeting “location” options to this event.



I tried to create an event using the round robin event type, but as far as I can tell that would just push the event to any host in the round robin. I’m just looking for a way to allow our clients to manually select which host they need.

Hi ​@9GqPZD - Thanks for reaching out!

Two ways we can accomplish this:

  1. You can use a team page with your users to display events specific to each host, or ones with multiple hosts. Currently there isn’t way to pick and choose specific hosts through the booking page, but using the Team Page would be a way to workaround this. You can read more on this here:
  2. Since you’re on the teams plan, you can use Routing Forms as well to ask customers which host they’d like to host the meeting, then have them brought directly to their booking page. You can read more on this here:

Being able to choose hosts from the booking page is a feature request, so I’ve added this post to it! Hopefully we’ll see more built on to it in the future. 

Thanks! That looks like a good solution.