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As a: Calendly Admin...

I would like: for all event types to be available in managed events...

So I can: reduce manual configuration work and reduce the risk of event configuration and routing errors.


Current state:

  • Our go-to-market process involves a round-robin event where the Account/Company Owner is the meeting host and an invitee is chosen from a pool of Sales Engineers. I have to create a separate shared event for each sales rep to use in routing logic. Separate routes need to be created for each rep (plus a catchall user) using a (HubSpot) Owner id filter.
  • Our go-to-market process also involves a group meeting where the Account/Company Owner is meeting host #1 and the same two support specialists are hosts #2 & #3 across all reps. Like the round-robin event, separate event types need to be created for each rep as well as separate routes with an Owner id filter.
  • Round-robin events require slightly less button clicking than Collective events. When using Collective events, the host needs to be explicitly identified as the “zoom organizer” in event details and “invitation coming from” in communications.


Desired state: With managed events, the meeting only needs to be made once, is available for all users in a team, and can be assigned in routers using the ownership lookup. Errors are less likely with managed events since admins don’t have to manage lists of reps/ids. There is also less button clicking such as: cloning event types, editing perms, fixing internal notes, and turning on the event.


Thank you!



Hey there @Trish46058 -- thank you so much for this topic!

I greatly appreciate the thorough breakdown of your use case and the detailed reasons that your team would benefit from such an update to our Admin Managed Events feature.

I will absolutely be sure to pass along this feedback to our product team! I cannot make any guarantees, but I can champion this for you.

Have a great day! 

That’s amazing @Kelsi at Calendly , thank you!

Of course, @Trish46058 -- we do our best to make the voices of our community pals heard, here! While I can’t make promises outside of lifting up your feedback, that’s not for nothing! I hope you have a great Tuesday. 🤗