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Filter calender events

  • 4 January 2024
  • 1 reply


I would like to set up a group of people each with their own calendar.  Each person is an assessor capable of assessing different subjects.  I am planning to for each to set up different event types for each subject they can assess.

A separate group of users will need to book assessments for the subjects relevant to them.  Is there any way to restrict the events that certain groups of users can see.  Essentially I don’t want users to accidentally book the wrong subject assessments.

Hey there @StuartDeveloper - great questions!

I think that you’d benefit greatly from routing. Routing forms let you request information such as industry, company size, specific interests, etc. from website visitors and automatically direct them to a specific scheduling or web page based on their responses. It's great for screening and qualifying sales leads on a website or matching clients or students to the booking page of the right subject-matter expert based on their interests, program, or other criteria. You can read more about setting up routing forms, here!

You can use routing forms to make sure that invitees are sent to the correct event types, only able to book the one they are sent to. To take it a step further, you can make each event type private so it can only be accessed when they are sent to the booking page. I hope this helps!

Here are some resources to check out: