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Thank you for the recent update enabling meeting limitations per event (daily, weekly, monthly). We would really like to see an option to limit overall meetings globally as well. This is the last piece of the Calendly puzzle we really need to fully automate our online meeting bookings. Without this we are still manually managing calendars which is defeating much of the point of an online booking system.


We are a Financial Advice business and we hold different types of meetings with our clients depending on the stage of the process we are in. Different meeting types require different levels of pre-work and we can accommodate only so may per day and per week of each type and overall across all meeting types.


A review meeting for instance requires substantial pre-work and at most we can comfortably accommodate 2 of these per day and 5 per week. Whereas an initial meeting requires almost no pre-work and we could comfortably accommodate 3-4 per day and over 10 per week.


However, given the expected mix of meetings we expect to hold each day and through the week it is only realistic that we can comfortably accommodate 10 meetings total per week and 3 meetings total across all meeting types per day without overloading our team and processes.


We would like the ability to set up something like this:


Initial meetings

  • max 3 per day
  • no weekly limit

Plan presentation meetings

  • max 2 per day
  • max 2 per week

Review meetings

  • max 2 per day
  • max 5 per week

Global across all meetings

  • max 3 per day
  • max 10 per week


For example, we are trying to avoid clients ability to book 2 review meetings along with 2 plan presentation meetings per days. Or the ability to book 5 reviews per week, 2 plan presentations and 7 other meetings in one week. Each of these scenarios is not achievable for us and we need to restrict the ability for clients to book this many meetings.


I know from other threads this feature has been requested many times. I am hoping this in already in the development pipeline. If it is not can you please add it in.

Hi @Jason55355,


This is a very good idea and we have received this feedback in the past. I will add it to our system and make sure our Product Team sees this post when considering product updates. I’ll return here and update this post if/when we have more to share.
