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How do I set up conversion tracking in Google Ads (not Google Analytics)? I am using Calendly Routing to have invitees complete a survey prior to scheduling an appointment. Ideally I’d like to see the following in Google Ads: (1) survey starts, (2) survey completions and (3) scheduled meetings.


Hey @David02355 -- great question!

Calendly does not directly integrate with Google Ads. I see that you had a convo with our live support team about this as well -- and I will have to reiterate the information they gave you, as it’s truly the best advice! You’ll want to consider either UTM or Zapier as a workaround for this goal. 

While there is no native integration for Calendly > Google Ads, Zapier does support a third party integration that you can read about here. If you have questions about setting that up, reach out to Zapier support since they built and maintain the integration. They’re very helpful when you need them! Zapier Community is also a great resource. 

I won’t bore you with all of the UTM information that you were given in chat, but here’s some Help Center articles that you can visit to re-read all of that as well:

Some more tips: 

Google Analytics can be very helpful with this goal, as well, while I understand that is not what you intended to use. You can read more about it here, just in case! 

Track how your invitees accessed your Calendly link by adding UTM parameters to it. The session source in Google Analytics will match the UTM source added to your scheduling link.

For example, will show up as facebook in Google Analytics.
Without UTM parameters, the source of your events will show as "(direct)".


I know this isn’t exactly what you wanted to hear, but hope the clarification helps. Good luck! 

Thank you! I have been playing around with the Zapier tools already and I will def need to reach out to their support team to get it right. At least I know I can get it done eventually.

Thank you! I have been playing around with the Zapier tools already and I will def need to reach out to their support team to get it right. At least I know I can get it done eventually.

You are so welcome! I definitely suggest reaching out in Zapier’s community -- they’re very engaging and helpful over there. Their support team is helpful, too. I believe in you! 

@David02355 one more thing to add --

While there isn’t a direct Google Ads integration, you can connect GA4 to Google Ads and pass the UTM info!

To link your Google Analytics data to your Google Ads, follow the steps outlined here. Then set up your conversions to be imported in with these steps.


I hope this helps!