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I’ve been booking calendly calls from other users links, and adding them to my google calendar.

However, they don’t show up in my own calendly account as upcoming events, and I have my google calendar synced with calendly. 

Should I be able to see this scheduled calls I make from other people links?

Hi @ignaciobalbuena!

This is a great question. The only events you should see in your upcoming events/meetings page in Calendly are events/meetings scheduled through your Calendly account, not others. We’ve been asked a few times about showing all events scheduled using any Calendly link and I think it’s a super logical feature to consider adding. Will definitely add yours to the list!

As for seeing all meetings, you should be seeing this right on your Google Calendar. And any booked events should be showing as unavailable time in your Calendly as well.

Hi! Thanks for the answer. I can see the events I booked as unavailable time, so I know my google calendar is synced ok.


Showing all events from calendly links would be an awesome and logical feature, looking forward to it in the future.

