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How can I edit the contents of the meeting invite that gets plotted on a host’s Google calendar? I need to edit the “Title” of the meeting to include the booker’s Name and Company. Instead of just the event title which is the default. I also need to remove the “Event Attendance” section on the invite.



I’ve read around and most instructions says to go to the “Communications” tab on the Event type to edit the fields, but I don’t see it on mine. This is what I have:



Hey @Phil00124!

You’re almost to the spot to modify the communication. From the page you see in the second screenshot, click on Notifications and workflows. Once in that window, you’ll see three little dots next to Email confirmation. Click those and select Edit. Now you’ll see the screen where you can modify what variables show in the communication.

You might also want to look at the differences between email confirmations and calendar invitations. Subtle, but it might matter in your scenario. More on them here.