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Google Meet ended after 1 hour automatically although event was scheduled 2 hours?

  • 4 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi there,

has someone had that problem too? Today Google Meet all of a sudden stopped the event after 1 hour automatically, although it was scheduled for 2 hours?

Here one can block the event (webinar) which is supposed to last 2 hours:

We schedule it via Google Meet. We changed the synchronized calendar recently. But can it have to do with that? I cannot find, where I can adjust this?

Thanks a lot!

Jay from Quick-Lohn

Hey there Jay - thanks for your question! It’s a good one! 

This is going to be totally up to Google Meet and will not have anything to do with Calendly or your Calendly settings. Just to start off with that info! That said, I still want to help! 🤗

Firstly, I found an article that states Google has limited its free users to 60 minute Google Meet calls. This article goes into detail about upgrading your plan, along with some workarounds. Check it out here

Then, I found this post on Google Meet Community that goes into the features available to free users and users on paid plans. Definitely worth reading, as well! 

All in all - it is likely you experienced this auto-end call limitation due to the plan you are on with Google Meet. If you are on a plan that includes 24 hour calls (a feature mentioned in both articles I shared), then you will want to reach out to Google Meet Support to discuss why the auto-end might have happened (this could be due to network issues, Wifi issues, an issue local to your device or Google issues). If you did not receive a warning before your meeting ended stating it was going to end, I would assume one of those issues took place, which again would need to be deferred to Google Support, which you can access here

Good luck! I hope this was helpful! 

Thank you, that sounds like a really good reason 👍 I will check our Google Meet plan, actually we have a company account, but I will check that. Have a nice weekend, Jay

Thank you, that sounds like a really good reason 👍 I will check our Google Meet plan, actually we have a company account, but I will check that. Have a nice weekend, Jay

You are so welcome, Jay! I hope you had a great weekend, yourself! I also hope Google is able to help you sort this out.