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I understand that Calendly currently is not built to automatically add a Google Meet link to a booked meeting when the main calendar the booking is placed into is an Apple Calendar. However, I want meetings to be placed in my Apple calendar and have a Google Meet link in them for running the meeting (that’s how I work).

I’d be happy to update a booked event with a Google Meet link manually after it was booked, but the edit event modal dialogue in Calendly does not allow doing so. 

What is the best way of achieving the above?

Hi ​@SBerreth - thanks for reaching out.

The issue we mainly run into is that Google Meet does not support static links, so one would need to be created each time a meeting is booked. Because we can’t add/adjust the location in Calendly after the booking, there are a couple ways customers workaround this:

  • Email the customer the meeting link ahead of time
  • Set Calendly to add events directly to your google calendar, then have the google calendar events be shared with your apple calendar (This allows any Calendly scheduled events, to add the same details to your apple calendar as well. Read here:Add Google Calendar events to Apple Calendar)

Let me know if you have any questions on this!

Thanks for the reply.

I’m aware that Google Meet does not support static links, and I’m fine with that. Updating the fresh event Google Meet link manually after the booking and before the meeting would be OK. However, I dont see a way of doing so that does not go through a complicated number of manual steps, such as, creating a new calendar entry on the same spot as the booking in my Apple Calendar, manually adding the bookers email address and the Google Meet ID to the new entry, sending out this manual invite and then going to Calendly to cancel the booking. It kinda undoes all the value that Calendly plausibly brings (apart from the scheduling)-

I’m not quite able to warp my head around why Calendly can send cancellations and schedule updates to calendar bookings, but not a Google Meet URL LOCATION property update. Obviously it does not allow doing it currently, but why should it not be able to do it at all?

The trouble with letting Calendly add events to my Google calendar and have it synced with the apple calendar as you suggest as an option, is - while it works technically - it does not work for me in my situation. The specific Google ID is not meant to be used in anything showing up in EMail or Calendar entries, since my email is not with Google and I don’t want people starting to think it were an email address that I use or would receive emails on.

It looks like I am out of luck.

Understood, yes unfortunately with the Google integration in its current state, it requires events to be added to Google directly in order to populate with a Google Meet link. I’ve passed this along to our product team so hopefully we can see more built on to this in the future.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Thank you for your reply.

Talking to your product team would be very much appreciated.

In fact, adding an easy way to edit the “Location” attribute after an event is scheduled on the details page would help a lot already. 



… unfortunately with the Google integration in its current state, it requires events to be added to Google directly in order to populate with a Google Meet link.

Yes, that is truer aim is for fully automating he Google Meet link addition. My scenario is being fully aware of it and trying to get to a next best thing, that is an easy way to add a manually created (cheap operation for me) Google Meet link to a booked meeting once it is scheduled, so it gets propagated to the participants as a calendar event update.

It might be important to share this detail with your product team, because they might otherwise try to solve for a different problem.


Will do, thanks for the added information ​@SBerreth!
