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Group Event with Host and same attendee

  • 22 November 2023
  • 7 replies

I have created a group meeting with 5 slots. Every time someone books that meeting, I was it to automatically add an additional invitee (same person) to the invite. 

Is there a way to do this?

Hi @IDT!

Can you elaborate a bit on what you’re looking to do? It sounds a bit like you either want to (or have?) setup a collective event. A Collective event let you host an event with people in your Calendly organization (ie, you can proactively pick several hosts) and let invitees pick a time when you're all available simultaneously. But I’m feeling a bit unclear on the “5 slots” aspect. Are those 5 time slots or 5 hosts? Is the invitee in your organization?

Take a look at Collective events and let me know if this is what you’re looking to do.


Here is the exact situation.

I am using a Group Event (with 5 slots) so that a potential customer can book time with me on a specific product they are considering buying. We are the developers, but the product is sold by our business partner. I am using group so the customer can invite other people from their organization.

But, I want to always include a person from our sales partner organization, who is not part of our Calendly team.

BTW….Calendly support says it is not possible, so I am look at work-arounds.




Thanks for the details @IDT!

So support is right in that it’s not possible in Calendly due to the sales partner not being part of your organization. However, I think it would be possible if you’re willing to look into using Zapier for automations. What’s specifically coming to mind is exploring the following trigger and action. Basically, a new event is created and an attendee is added to that event.


Take a look at this and let me know what you think. I was actually running Zapier Community right before Calendly Community, so I can probably help a bit more if you need it! 😁

Hi Jillian,

I used Zap to send an email to the person I want included. We use Office 365, not Google. I do not see an option to add a user to an event.


Hi John,

Well that is less than ideal! I just looked at the Office 365 Zapier integration as well and sure enough, there are all sorts of wonderful triggers and actions… but not that one. Of course, there is that action under the Microsoft Outlook automation. Oof. 😩

It wouldn’t be a perfect solution, but you could create a new event (I checked, that is an action) that’s a copy of the existing event. This at least ensures the sales partner is aware, but could pose problems if the event is rescheduled.

Let me ask my more creative colleagues here at Calendly if they can think of any other solutions. There’s got to be something!

OK, thanks

Hey @IDT - just wanted to offer another possible work around, here. 

You could set up a forwarding filter in your inbox to automatically forward all emails received from You can even forward notifications for specific event types by filtering for subject titles that include the event type name. This will allow them to be notified when an invitee schedules with you. This way, the person you’d like to include in these meetings will be notified of each booking via forwarded email and can add that to their calendar. Additionally, you can look into automations using third party apps that will automatically add this person to your O365 Calendar events, like mentioned above. At this time it does not look like we are going to have an internal work around outside of these options but I will let you know if we come up with something else! 

Hope you had a great holiday!