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A guest booked a meeting on a time slot that already had been taken (double booked). How can this happen? How do I prevent this from happening again?

Hi ​@Marty70371 - Thanks for reaching out!

Just to confirm, are these both Calendly meetings? Or was one of them an event in your Calendar and another was that Calendly event?

If it was a Calendar event that got double booked, was that event marked as Busy? If an event is marked as free Calendly ignores those types of meetings, however if it was marked as busy there is more we’ll need to look into. 

Let me know!

Thank you for your quick response. 

These two meetings are NOT Calendly meetings. The guest one in question is Calendly but the other meeting was booked via Redtail Technology CRM which coordinates with MS Outlook. Within MS Outlook, this standing meeting was marked “busy” and NOT “free.”

Hi ​@Marty70371 - Thanks for getting back.

In this case, I would confirm to see if that Redtail calendar is selected as a Conflict over on your Calendar Connections page here:

If it is, the next step would be to disconnect your calendar, then reconnect it right after. This would allow anything caught in limbo to update and reflect correctly. Once its reconnected, check your booking pages again to see if any other times are blocked off properly.

Let me know if you have any questions!

The configuration is set for checking conflicts. How do I disconnect/reconnect my calendar?

FYI, what is so odd is that the guest link does not show the times available and I do not know how the guest accessed the time on the link.


Hi ​@Marty70371 - You can disconnect the calendar from the connections page by selecting the Trash Can Icon. From there, just select (+ Add Calendar Account) to reconnect it:


If you select the Troubleshoot button on the booking page, it should say why that specific time isn’t available, that could give us more direction on what might of happened.

I am concerned if I delete Officee 365/, I will mess up the connection between Redtail and Outlook. It took a lot of time to set this up and I do not want to repeat it due to my actions. What do information do I need and what can I expect to do to “add Cadlendar Account?”

Hi ​@Marty70371 - When reconnecting your calendar you will only need your Microsoft login. Calendly will then read your main calendar and any sub-calendars connected (Like your redtail calendar) because all of this is configured in Outlook, this would not effect the connection between Outlook <> Redtail.
