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A client today received 8 notifications about our meeting 1 hour in advance. What’s going on and how can we fix this ASAP.


Hey there @JoanGreen -- thanks for your post, and I’m sorry to hear about this!

Sometimes technology does just go haywire -- but sometimes there is a reason and we can figure that reason out! I will need some more information in order to assist, here.

  • What notifications did the customer receive repeatedly? 
    • Were they SMS reminders set up via Workflows
    • Were the email reminders set up via Workflows? 
    • Were they calendar reminders from the invitee’s calendar? 
    • Were they emails from 

Once I have some more context I will dig in and do my best to find a resolution for you.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

A client today received 8 notifications about our meeting 1 hour in advance. What’s going on and how can we fix this ASAP.


Hey again! I know you haven’t responded to my first comment just yet, but did want to let you know something I’ve just been informed of!

Calendly had a bit of a glitch this morning. This glitch resulted in some users seeing duplicate Workflows for any reminders (SMS, email) that were set to fire between 8:40am to 9:30am today. 

If your duplicate notifications were Workflows, this is almost certainly what caused the problem -- and it should not happen again (any time soon)!

I hope this helps!