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I run a tax preparation business, and I would like to create an event for clients to drop off documents that can occur at any time my office is open, regardless of anything else on my agenda, and it should not prevent future events from being scheduled at this time.

If I’m meeting with 1 client, I’m happy to take 30 seconds to accept documents from another that walks in my door.

If I have a client schedule a document drop off, I don’t want it to make the time slot unavailable for other appointments.

But I also need to make sure that if I’m expecting documents, I should physically be in my office, even if I have nothing else going on during that time.

Is there any way to create such an event type using Calendly?

Hi ​@Jeffrey Heinze Fry - Thanks for reaching out!

In this case, I would recommend using our Overlapping Meetings feature! Essentially, you can set this up so that your events can book over other meetings in your account. In This case, you can create a Document Dropoff event, then set it to be able to overlap any other meetings in your account, then you can also set your other events to book over the Document Dropoff event as well. This way, the event can be booked at anytime within your availability, regardless of any other events scheduled at those times. 

You can read more on this setup in this article I created here: 

Let me know if you have any questions on this!

Thank you David. This is exactly the feature I was looking for. I’ll add some additional comments for others that may find my experience helpful, and for improvement of the feature.

I found it slightly awkward that meeting exceptions can only be done by meeting name as “Match Exactly” or “Include”

I wanted to make it so these events could overlap with all meetings. For me, a simple workaround was to type a spacebar “ “ in the include field. All of my events have at least one space, so this worked.

I know this is a new feature, and I really appreciate it. As a suggestion for improvement, I would recommend adding meeting exception by event tags, or color.