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How do I block overlapping appointments for my consignment store.

  • 15 August 2024
  • 1 reply

I have consigners making appointments for two month consignment periods and currently I manually check if they are trying to make another appointment before their slot expires.  Is there anyway to make it impossible to book multiple appointments during the two month period?  Be aware that everyday starts new bookings that are all 60 days so I would have to be each appointment.  (I feel like I'm answering my own question which is NO). but hopefully yes? 

Hi @Princeton80620,

I share your “no, but hopefully yes” sentiment. Unfortunately the answer right now is “no”, but it’s something we’re aware customers would like and we’re looking into it.

But let me ask you a bit about your process. Do consigners find your Calendly link on their own and book or is it something where you send them the link? We’ve got some functionality around links that expire, but it wouldn’t work if your booking is more self-serve.