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I run ongoing support groups and have them set as a series of events. I want to change the title of the individual events to reflect the topic of that session (i.e., without changing the overall event series title) - is this possible? 

Hi @Tess64510!

Just to make sure I understand your question, let me sort of give an example and let me know if I’m following right! So let’s say you’ve got a series that always meets on Mondays. Monday the 12th is on ‘Financial Planning’. The 19th is on ‘Healthy Eating’. You’d like the events that show up on your invitee’s calendars for those specific days to say specifically that instead of ‘Monday Support Group’. Correct?

If the common event is the ‘Monday Support Group’, there’s no way to change the title of specific days within that. However, you could explore having an event type for those specific subjects and the applicable days coming up. For example, let’s say both the Monday and Thursday group talks about ‘Maintaining Healthy Relationships’ every 6th week, you could create an event that follows that schedule showing both Monday and Thursdays every 6 weeks.

Let me know if this helps at all. If not, happy to help figure this out!

Hi, unfortunately that wouldn’t work as the topics don’t fall on particular dates/timescales, they are decided by the attendees before the meetings. It’s a shame we can’t edit the titles of the individual events, perhaps something to suggest to the improvement/development team?

Hi @Tess64510,

Ugh. Alright. I had a feeling that might be the case, but was crossing my fingers I could give you something that worked!

I can absolutely suggest it to our product team. I think this might actually fit nicely into product feedback about recurring events in general so I’ll be sure to make it known.