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I have several Event Types but, even with the Troubleshooting, I have Buffers clashing somewhere...and it’s driving me nuts trying to find what is causing it.


So I am thinking that it should be easy to export my Event Type settings to a CSV. A basic requirement for any system to check the config. But I can’t find any such Export functionality.


Am I being dim? I have looked everywhere. It will be a right pain to go through these manually, logging them all myself.

Hello @Assuritivity54385! I’m sorry to hear this is happening. At this time, there is no such export feature available for event types, though it’s a great idea and feedback I will take to our team!

When using the troubleshooting tool that you mentioned, if a buffer is the issue, it should show you the exact timeslots that the buffer is coming from. You can then go to your “scheduled events“ tab > “upcoming”, and look for that time slot to see exactly what booking is there in that time slot (and which event type it’s booked for). Then, you can look at the settings for that event type and make changes, which will help avoid this happening with future bookings. That said, once a booking has been made, the settings in place at the time of the booking will remain, even if you change them on the event type, proper. This means that in order to free up time slots blocked off by a buffer you would need to cancel and reschedule the bookings that were made with those buffers in place.

You can read more in this help center article about buffer settings, and this one about customizing your event type settings. Lastly, this helps center article about what to do when you are unavailable but should be free might be helpful! I do hope this helps you resolve your problem, but leave a comment back if you need further assistance!

Hi @KelsiEllie,


Many thanks for your comprehensive reply. Yes, I think it was this that was the issue as I had trimmed any potential offending buffer down but it was still clashing: “That said, once a booking has been made, the settings in place at the time of the booking will remain, even if you change them on the event type, proper. This means that in order to free up time slots blocked off by a buffer you would need to cancel and reschedule the bookings that were made with those buffers in place.”

Such a behaviour is obviously undesirable. Who would want to go through deleting and rescheduling the meetings with others? I would propose that this gets changed ASAP. As far as I see it, it would only impact Calendly itself (i.e. not Outlook, other calendars) as it’s Calendly that is checking for the buffers (great functionality, by the way, otherwise). It should be quite simple for a calendar event update event in code to update the buffers for all calendar events of that type whose buffers (or other such metadata settings) have changed (other than event duration of course).


Thanks also for taking the Export feature suggestion back to the team. As an ex-Dev and Architect myself, such config functionality was always high in our list of requirements (for our own sanity, not just our customers).


Thanks and regards


Hey again, @Assuritivity54385! I totally understand and empathize with everything you are saying, here. Being forced to either deal with the buffer locks or cancel/reschedule meetings feels messy. I am genuine in saying I LOVE getting feedback like this to take to the right team/s. Even though I myself cannot make the changes you are hoping to see, the more feedback we get and repeat, the more likely users like yourself (and myself!) are to see those changes implemented in future evolutions of Calendly. We are growing and learning - and you are a huge and important part of that. I hope the information I provided helps with workarounds for now - and thanks again! 

Hi @KelsiEllie,


Yes, we all want the platforms we like to do doing the things we want and need them to do to do those seamlessly.


You will like this one too then (though not in a good way). I was setting up regular webinars and was hoping to do that using Calendly and Stripe (for payment). I know Calendly integrates with Stripe; however, the integration is so basic that it wouldn’t even use the payment products and links that Stripe provides, just a flat amount defined in Calendly. So, I wouldn’t even be able to issue invoices (which Stripe would do).


So, unfortunately, coupled with the buffer problem, I had to ditch Calendly (and Stripe) to do this...and had to go with Eventbrite instead. Not ideal as it costs a fortune but it will have to do for now.


However,. I am still using Calendly for what I have always used it for: for booking meetings.


I am a little miffed I upgraded my plan to use the billing and can’t go back, as I now find out my old plan is a legacy plan. So I have been gouged for extra money for functionality I no longer need. As the upgrade purchase was only a few days ago, I do think it’s illegal (in the UK) to not allow the right to change your mind and go back to your original plan (legacy or not)...but I really don’t have the time (at the moment) to look into the legal side (fyi I have done elsewhere in the past for other suppliers...and won 😁).