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How Do I Get Booking Link to Show Correct Duration?

  • 15 July 2024
  • 6 replies

Hi All,


My meetings are 45 minutes, but my link shows only 30:


How do I fix it?


Thanks in advance,



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6 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Mark67033 -- great question!

So, your meeting is showing up as a 45 minute (in duration) event. It seems that you simply need to update the URL of your meeting. You can do this by heading into your event type settings > clicking “booking page options” > updating the “event link” field > clicking “save and close” at the bottom of the editor. My best bet is your event link is still named “30min” since that is what appears in the URL you shared. 

I hope this helps!

Userlevel 7

Hey again @Mark67033 -- I was able to peek at your account and confirm your URL is named “30min” so that’s all you need to do -- update it! 

I hope this helps!

Thanks! Hopefully updating the URL won’t redirect it in any way….

Userlevel 7

Thanks! Hopefully updating the URL won’t redirect it in any way….

It won’t! You will need to re-share the link with people, however. That said, the URL will remain the URL for your event type.

If you have the URL embedded on a website, you’ll also need to update that. 

I hope this helps!


Hi following on from this, i have the same issue as Mark, but I dont know how to do the following:

update the URL of your meeting. You can do this by heading into your event type settings > clicking “booking page options” > updating the “event link” field > clicking “save and close” at the bottom of the editor. 

where do i find “event type settings?” Thanks 


I’ve just figured it out. Thank you