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How do I limit different events and types to only 1 per day?

  • 14 August 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello,  I am using Calendly for my Fishing Guide service.   I offer multiple options and times throughout the day and week. 

I only want to do one trip per day no matter the time or type or location but I also want to be able to keep these options open to everyone to fit their schedule.  How can I limit this? 

For example if someone books a morning trip for species X then I don’t want another person to book a night trip for species XX (different type of event).  My wife uses Calendly often and she suggested a long buffer time, but that max is 3 hours.   What I’ve been doing is when a booking happens for one type event, then manually going into each other type event and blocking out my availability for that date.  It has become to much to manage with all the manual overrides.  

I understand you can limit specific events to 1 per day but is there an general overall availability to limit all events to one per day? 

What is the best way to do this?  

 Hi @DTro!

Hmm. We’re actively looking into better limit controls across date ranges, events, accounts, and related (which is a lot of potential things to solve, but we like puzzles) for use cases just like this.

But in the meantime, I think I have a workaround for you that might help. Are you familiar with Zapier? It’s a really handy tool that helps create automations between very different applications - in this case Calendly and Google Calendar. Seeing as you’re likely not booking a ton of events in a month (let’s say 1/day at best, right?) you could leverage the free version of Zapier to create a Zap that blocks off the rest of your day anytime someone books an event through your fishing guide service.

It’s a pretty straightforward 2-step workflow as shown below:

The only tricky bit is that you’ve got to figure out how much of a buffer to create on either side to effectively block off your day. In the screenshot below, I found a 6 hour buffer was the right amount to make sure my day was pretty unavailable but you might have to experiment with something different especially with the night trips.

Take a look if you’re up for it and let me know how I can help.

And yes, we’ll keep working on making this easier to do right in Calendly!