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I am trying to figure out if this is even possible on Calendly. I have tried reaching out via their Contact Us Chat, but cannot get a live agent.


I am in charge of trying to set up and create an online booking link for our organization. We have multiple locations, therefore multiple users. What we want is ONE single booking link we can put on our main website, and when a customer clicks that, they can then select either the user (based on location) or the location they want to schedule at and then proceed with selecting the appointment type and scheduling. I created managed events and assigned then to a person to test, but I do not see anywhere on the admin side to copy and use a booking link to the managed events?


Is this even an option on Calendly? If not, then it is not what we are looking for.

Hi @Christina38157,

Sounds like routing is the thing you need! Routing lets you create a pathway that helps direct invitees to the right event type. You control the questions, the path, and the available event types, so I think it’s just the right thing! You can learn all about routing here:

Hope this helps!

This is getting closer. I looked into this and also Teams, and I am still a bit confused about which direction to go to set this all up. Below is the specific way in which I was hoping to set up our ONE single booking link:


Intake Form/Main booking link:

  • Name, Phone, Email, Choose Service/Event Type 
    • Based on Service/Event type, they then choose a location
    • Location determines who they meet with/or are assigned to
      • After selecting specific service/event type, we want them to answer a few questions to give more details for that event type
        • Then be directed to assigned “team” members calendar to pick date and time and schedule


Is there a way to do this? Thank you for the help!

Hi @Christina38157,

For your use case, Routing forms definitely sound like the way to go! To accomplish your goal to have a dynamic form experience, I recommend “daisy-chaining” a couple of forms together.

For example, if you offer two location options, you could configure a total of three routing forms. An initial form to determine whether your invitee would like Location A or Location B, then forms for each of those two location options. Because routing forms can redirect invitees to an external URL, you can enter the routing form link of the appropriate secondary form in the routing logic. 

Feel free to take a look at this quick demo I created with a use case where a client was looking to offer clients the ability to select a type of lawyer, then be redirected to a form where they select their desired lawyer by name, or book with any available lawyer of that variety. 


To have your invitees answer a few additional questions for the event, you can configure invitee questions for them to fill out once they are brought to the appropriate booking page.


I hope this helps! If you have any other questions please feel free to reach back out!

@Sam S  This helps quite a bit, but I am struggling with the setup in other areas and cannot reach anyone for help via the chat bot. Is there a way to message you(or someone else) directly/privately with different set up questions as to not keep filling this thread up?

@Christina38157 - We’re here to help, so feel free to keep the questions coming! If we see something that looks like a totally different question, we might split it off into a new thread but it’ll be the same people (myself, Sam, and Kelsi) helping you out.

OK - great! I apologize for all the questions, but I am completely new to Calendly and I am finding that setup for the organization is a little more complex then what I thought it would be.


Anyway - So, the routings does seem to be the way to go for what we are needing. I created a list of managed events that would be the same for everyone in our initial setup, but it is not allowing me to assign it to anyone other then myself ( I am listed as the owner on the account).  So my questions is - Does each user need to set up their own services, or how can I assign the managed events to them? I assumed that by creating managed events, it would streamline setup for each person  so to speak.


I have my Routing set up to be directed to a certain user based on location. When it goes to said user, there are no events there other then a single generic one they created upon signing up. I want to assign them some of the managed events, but it is not allowing me to? When I click on assign next to managed event, and select assign to person, when I type their name, it shows as member not found even though they are signed up as a user???

Hi @Christina38157,

No need to apologize, we’re here to help you!


As the expected behavior of managed event types would allow you to assign the events to any of your active users, it’s sounding like you may need some more personalized assistance troubleshooting your account. To protect your’s and your users’ privacy, I’d like to move this conversation over to a support ticket. I’m at my EOD today, but I’ll be able to reach out to you tomorrow via an email support ticket so we can troubleshoot and dig into what’s going on 😊


Talk soon!