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How to book another meeting with pre populate answers from previous meeting

  • 15 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone,

We are using calendy to book training sessions for our customers. And our Sales Team wishes they can book another meeting and change only one field but other fields must be pre propulate with previous meeting. 

Here is an example :

1st meeting with :

a1 = ex1

a2 = ex2

a3 = ex3


Next booking right after :

a1 = pre populate ex1

a2 = pre populate ex2

a3 = ex4

I don’t know if i explained myself correctly.

Thanks for your help.


Hey @Olivier65724 - great question! If I am understanding correctly what your goal is here, you will want to try the “schedule invitee again” function. Go to your “scheduled events” tab > click “details” next to a booking (past or upcoming) > click “schedule invitee again” as shown below: 

“Schedule invitee again” example

That said, the ability to change one field and populate that info into a new field is not something that is possible using this feature at this time. I can certainly loop this need back to our product team to consider for future updates! Let me know if this helps.