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How do I make the color of available dates show up on embedded pop up? Several dates are greyed out and I don’t know how to fix this.


Hey there, @Chloe30763! Thanks for posting -- this is a great question! The screenshot is also very helpful, so I appreciate you including it (it helps me help you). 🤗 Let’s dig in and get your availability issues cleared up, or at the very least, figure out why you are unavailable (i.e. whether you should or should not be unavailable)!

First and foremost: 

You can use our Troubleshooting availability tool on your scheduling page in order to understand what's causing the conflict. I find it to be super helpful and it resolves most availability issues. 🎉 

This tool will allow you to click on individual dates (based on your screenshot, the 27th + 28th of June) and find out exactly why they are blocked off. The most likely case, based on my experience (and because these dates are immediately tomorrow/the next day) would be that either: 

  • your “minimum scheduling notice” settings within your event type’s settings do not allow for booking < 48hrs in advance, or
  • your connected calendar has “all-day busy” events blocking these two days off, or
  • you have bookings filling up your availability blocks on those two dates on other Calendly event types (Calendly will not allow overlapping bookings, so if one event type is booked for any given times/dates, then this event type and all others will be blocked off

In the case of the above (these are just three examples of the most common reasons your time might be blocked off, but there are others): 

  • you’d see “minimum scheduling notice” as the “error” code
  • you’d see “connected calendar/busy” as the “error” code (and it will name the calendar the “busy” event is booked on, so that you can go to that calendar and change that event to “free” and open up the time slot/s)
  • you’d see “overlap” as the “error” code

I hope this helps!