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Up until a week or so ago, we could do scheduling overrides on admin-managed events.  In other words, a user is booking an event that is admin-managed and assigned to another user and booking on that user’s behalf for an external party.  In the extension booking link you have this option: 


Now, in order to allow overrides, I have to enable this option on the admin managed event to allow editing by assignee: 

But, if I enable this option, here are the consequences: 


For my scenario, it completely defeats the purpose of an admin-managed event to enable editing and have no future changes to the managed event flow down to the event assigned to the users.  


This is not how this override feature functioned until the last week.  We have been using these same managed event types with no changes to their setup for months and fairly often have had to use the override feature.  Calendly Support looked at this and cannot offer an explanation of why this was changed and also couldn’t offer me an option that meets our needs. Any suggestions on how to accomplish maintained controlled event types and still allowing my administrative employees the ability to override and book meetings on behalf of other employees who don’t do the scheduling or maintenance of our Calendly setup themselves? 



Hi ​@AliZ - Thanks for reaching out.

Yes this option has changed due to the Override feature would override any scheduling settings set within the event itself, so these have been tied together. Unfortunately, there is not a way to workaround this outside of enabling that option.

I appreciate you sending over this information so we can send it to our product team as feedback, they’ll be able to review this and any other feedback that comes through from here. 

Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks for the response.  I can understand based on that explanation. I would offer that separating the ability to sync changes from the admin event to the assigned users from being able to do the overrides would be a good solution to this type of scenario. We really value all of the settings options, but real life doesn’t always conform to the ideal and some flexibility is needed. I don’t really like booking one-off meetings every time one of these situations comes up because I can’t add in all of the pre-formatted questions we have set on the event types. 

