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Hi, I’m wondering how to display all the different types of appointment I offer into a master page so I don’t create a conflict. Also to include my own google calendar into the mix?t  It’s connected, but calendly does not seem to consider what’s in it. Also, I’m not talking about booked appointments, just appointments offered - they’re different kinds - and I can’t see them on the same page. Makes the process super tedious: I actually have to use a paper calendar to put the different blocks on it to make sure I don’t create a conflict. Is there a way to do this more efficiently? I would certainly hope so. Thanks for your help!

Hi @ZsuzsaBK!

By the nature of how Calendly works, you’ll never have a scheduling conflict as long as your calendar is connected and checking for conflicts (see step 3). If you’re seeing any situations where you either should or shouldn’t be available and see the opposite, I’d recommend giving the Troubleshooting Tool a try.

As for seeing everything at once, using the Availability calendar view to see the schedules you have and what events they’re assigned to should help. You can check out that view here:

Let me know if this helps. I hope so!