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I offer group coaching. I have the time marked as ‘free’ within my google calendar so that this will correlate with my zoom meeting and allow people to book in. However I don’t want the time to show as ‘free’ because I don’t want other clients booking in whilst I am busy on this group call. What am I doing wrong? Thanks 

Hi ​@Amy34781 - I think that I would create a custom schedule that applies your availability to an Event Type that’s only for your Coaching students to use. It may take a little trial and error but I’m confident that it is possible to do what you’re asking about!


Plus 1 to what ​@Todd75416 said!


I’m just jumping in to add a couple Help Center links which describe the process in more detail.


Free/busy rules overview ← This is the one you want for your specific question

How to set your availability ← This is a broader explanation of setting schedules according to your availability