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How to print all booked invitee names in reminder text / email

  • 30 November 2023
  • 1 reply


We have a reminder workflow that fires 15 minutes before an event begins. It shoots an SMS to both the host and the Invitee. 


Our current set up is that we have two slots for every meeting time available ( 15 mins / 30 mins ) but we have a problem in the reminder messages that are sent to the host, the SMS simply says ‘multiple invitees’ instead of the invitee’s names regardless of the number of slots booked.  (Refer to the attached current workflow message) 


Here’s our ideal work flow :

→ If there is only one slot booked then it should print the name of the only invitee available.

→ If both slots are booked then it should print the names of both available invitees. 


Can you help us figure out how to implement this solution. Thanks in advance


P.S : A screenshot of the SMS is attached and a screenshot of our workflow is attached to your reference. 





Event Workflow.


Hey there, @Brian51133 - great question!

Unfortunately when it comes to group event types and SMS reminders, this is going to happen due to character limits in the text itself and is not something we can help work around.

If there is more than one invitee booked into a time slot, you will see “multiple invitees” rather than the invitees’ full names. We suggest using the text reminder as a prompt to check the calendar event and/or event details in Calendly (under “Scheduled Events > Upcoming”) in order to get more info, such as invitee full names.

I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but do hope the information helps, at least somewhat!