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I had a client cancel a meeting, and now they want to reschedule the event. However, when I find the canceled event and click “Schedule Invitee Again”, it just generates the main event link and not a reschedule link. There should be a button for “Reschedule” just like there is for any event that hasn't happened yet. Is there a reason that there is no “Reschedule” button for canceled events?


Hey there @JD18014 -- thanks for your post, and great question!

I can see how this might be confusing. 

The “reschedule” feature only applies to bookings that are still upcoming and have not been cancelled/are not in the past. 

The “schedule invitee again” feature is nearly identical with a different label, is all, and applies to bookings that have been cancelled or that are in the past. 

You will be able to click “schedule invitee again” and select a new time and date, just as though you were clicking “reschedule” -- no worries there! The difference is that this is not an “event that hasn’t happened yet” but an event that did not and will not happen, since it was cancelled. 

This is expected behavior and I hope my answers clears things up for you. Let me know if you have further questions! 

Is there a way to set it up so a client has the ability to reschedule an event? Or is it possible to consider adding a “reschedule button” to a deleted event?

Hey again @JD18014 -- of course! Let’s go over that. 🤗

You can choose to include cancel and reschedule links in your booking confirmations. This is an “all or nothing” feature, so, if the “cancel” link is present, so is the “reschedule” link. This means that your invitee chose to cancel instead of reschedule, initially -- then reached out to you to reschedule after changing their mind (for whatever reason that might be)! 

Once an invitee has cancelled a booking, they will not be able to use the “reschedule” button -- as you cannot reschedule a booking that no longer exists. In this case they would need to either reach out to you to reschedule, or if they have an active link, visit your booking page as though they’d not booked before, just like anybody booking a new time/date with you.

Your booking confirmations must already have cancel/reschedule links included, since your invitee was able to cancel.

That said, here’s a quick video that goes over how to include cancel and reschedule links for your invitees, just in case: 

You can read more about including these links for your invitees as well as about cancelling/rescheduling as the host in this Help Center article.

I hope this helps!

I spoke with a client before the meeting happened yesterday and we decided to reschedule.  Now that I’m going into the tool to reschedule that meeting, it won’t let me.  Can you change the design to allow rescheduling of past events?

Hey @ARLINGTON13521 -- thanks for asking!

As I went over above, unfortunately, the “reschedule” option is not available for cancelled bookings. You will need to simply schedule the invitee again as if it were the first time. 

I hope this helps!