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I’d like to adjust my availability to minimize gaps and maximize my day by clustering my appointments together. Essentially by automatically hiding some of my availability.  Acuity provides this - does Calendly?

Hey there @Allison48747 - thanks for your topic! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

At this time, we do not have a feature comparable to Acuity’s “Look Busy” feature exemplified in the link you shared (thank you, genuinely, for sharing it!). I apologize for that! I unfortunately do not have a pretty work around to offer, as it stands, either.

However, when setting up your Availability Schedules within Calendly, you can choose whatever dates/times to leave open to bookings that you prefer - and all other time blocks will remain blocked out. For example, if you set yourself as available from 11am to 2pm Tues-Thurs then all other times will appear as “unavailable” on your booking page, which does in turn make you look very busy - as I am sure you are! 

Test out the availability functions in your account to see what it looks like on your live booking page as you go. You might also consider using date specific hours within those availability schedules as you set them up.

I hope this helps! Let me know if I can offer any more assistance! =)