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I can't reschedule to a time earlier than 8:30am (my time)

  • 29 February 2024
  • 1 reply

I’m trying to reschedule a meeting in someone else’s calendar to an earlier time. (7am my time)

My Calendly says I’m only available from 8:30am, so I can’t reschedule to 7am. I’m not even sure where it’s getting this information from.

Is there a way to bypass this feature and reschedule for 7am?

Thanks for your help


Hi @Paul26588!

Sounds like you might have your working hours or another availability schedule set to start for 8:30am. I’ve got mine set for 9am (ample time for caffeine to kick in), so neither I or anyone else can book time before that.

More info on schedules here:

And just to note: You can do a date override for a specific date if you want to be able to book earlier that day, but no others!
