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I have two persona. Can I add an additional name and email address to my account?

  • 6 December 2023
  • 1 reply

I have two persona, with different names and emails.

Each have different service offerings.

I would like to use my account for scheduling two types of clients.

Can I add an additional name and email address to my Calendly





Hi @Layla16368!

You can connect multiple calendars to your account, but with a singular account you wouldn’t be able to achieve what you’re describing. Both calendars can be checked for conflicts, but only one calendar and email address would be used for scheduling and communication.

Given that you have two different service offerings, I’d recommend going with two different accounts (probably Standard plan) and connecting both calendars to prevent scheduling conflicts. Or alternatively you could create an organization for yourself (Teams plan) with two accounts which would allow you better flexibility between the two accounts as well as utilizing routing.

More info on Calendly plans here!