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I need to Round Robin Group Sessions (1:many), not 1:1s

  • 18 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi. My colleagues all host group training sessions at different hours. We need one scheduling link where we can round robin group sessions with multiple registrants. Is this possible?


Hi @Amanda26568,

That's a great question! At this time, our Round Robin event types only support the booking of 1:1 meetings. I completely understand your want for this feature though, so I’ve looped this over to our product team. Hopefully, we’ll be able to offer that feature in the future!


In the meantime, you may be able to use Routing forms to accomplish a similar goal. While this would not facilitate a traditional “round robin” assignment, if you create a recurring schedule for who is available to host on specific days, you could configure a routing form to ask invitees to select their preferred day of the week. You can then route them to the appropriate Group event type for the team member that hosts on that day. 


I hope this helps! If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach back out!