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I recently changed the url of our Calendly link from intro to discovery-call. How can I make sure that the old link redirects to the new link, so people with the old link will still get to the scheduling page?

Hey there @Gilles - great question!

At this time, there is no way to redirect invitees automatically from the old URL to the new URL. The old URL will simply show up as a “dead link” when visited. You will need to make sure to share your new URL with whomever you’d like to be able to book via it, from now on! (This is very helpful when you are changing your URL to avoid spammers/former invitees you no longer wish to allow access to your booking page, as there is currently no way to directly block anyone from booking if they have your link and it remains public.) 
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes, but do hope the info is helpful!