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I want to create an event on one day only with multiple candidates not recurring every week

  • 4 August 2024
  • 1 reply

I want to do individual interview with my candidates (more than one)on one day only. and allow them to choose the time I am available in it. but I can’t make the calndly to choose only one day it shows it’s recurring. Can you help ? 

Also when I choose one off meeting the link gets disabled if one candidates books an appointment.

please help as soon as possible

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1 reply

Userlevel 3

Hi Blox20578!


Rather than using One Off meetings for your interviews you will have more success creating an event type and sending that link to all your candidates. In your event type settings you can constrain your availability. Here is how I would do what you are aiming for. 

  1. Create and name a One-On-One event type. I’d name mine “Interview”
  2. Navigate to that event type settings and under “Availability” you should see a section that allows you to set your normal availbility. It should say something like “Weekdays, hours vary.” Here you can constrict which days a week and what hours you are available for booking.
    • Alternatively, you can use “Date specific hours.” Here you can define exactly which date you want to make available to your candidates. 
  3. Always test. Ask a co-worker or friend to test a booking with you. This will ensure your page is working the way you intend. No one likes that surprise “this isn’t working” when you got to use a booking link live!