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I am going on an extended leave of absence from work and would prefer not to continue paying for Calendly while I am out, but, I don’t want to lose everything I’ve created. How do I pause my subscription rather than cancelling it so I can avoid having to start from scratch if I am gone for weeks or months? Thanks! 

What a great question! We all need to step away, sometimes. If you’re like me, simply changing your Availability Schedules to ensure you are not available for bookings and blocking off your personal calendar to do the same won’t be enough. I want to make sure I am not paying for a service that I am not using, and I want to fully disconnect and recharge.

While there is no way to officially pause a Calendly subscription - great news - you don’t have to!

If you head to your Billing page and choose to downgrade to our free plan at any time, you will retain all access to paid features until the end of your current billing cycle. When that billing cycle ends you will be moved to our free plan. But! Wait! All of your paid settings that you have put into place, like Group Event Types and Workflows, integrations with Paypal and Hubspot, your Teams Page and team events and more will stay right where they are! They will simply all be greyed out, inaccessible, until the next time you decide to upgrade to the level of subscription required to utilize them again. (Pro tip - if you have additional users on your plan taking up paid seats, remove them before you cancel your plan. Otherwise, they will be stuck in limbo, unable to remove themselves and use their own accounts. You cannot remove users once you are on the free plan either - so think ahead!) 

This way - you do not have to “pause.” You don’t have to choose a date of return, set a reminder for a new billing cycle automatically starting up in 3 months or anything else. You can walk away and then come back when you’re ready - assured that all of your hard work is waiting for you. I hope this helps!
