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Inline Embed Advanced Options

  • 12 April 2024
  • 5 replies


I will be offering online notary services and users will be able to schedule their appointment directly on my website. Here is the current set up (not live yet):

  1. Choose service
  2. Calendly calendar
  3. Upload documents
  4. Add on services
  5. Contact Information
  6. Checkout

I don’t like the current set up as when the user completes the No. 2  - Calendly calendar, they must complete their names and email (which is already at part 5 - Contact Information), and then  they must confirm “Schedule Event” - then immediately states “ You are scheduled” without having completed part 4 (Add on services) to 6 (Checkout). Are there any advanced options to make sure the “You are scheduled” is  ONLY confirmed after checkout - I have created checkboxes at the end of the checkout where the user must agree to our terms and use and privacy policy, but with the current set up the user will be confused and stop at No. 2 - without having completed the other important steps.  I have enclosed screenshots for ease of reference. Thanks!

Hmmm @ilovelaw.

This is a great question. I’ve asked my peers here at Calendly to help me with this one as I’m coming up a bit short on ideas right now. Trying to think if there’s anything creative we can do with redirects perhaps? I’ll be sure to let you know if we come up with anything.

Thanks so much for responding so quickly.

I’ll keep an eye out for any additional responses.




Hello Jillian,


I was just wondering if your peers had any ideas to help with my question. My website is pretty much ready to go live, but I need to figure this out before.


Thanks again!

Hi @ilovelaw,

I wish I could say I’ve got a really slick solution to share, but so far the best I can figure out is using required questions in the booking to make sure your customers are away of the steps they need to follow and the order in which they need to follow them. Something like this. This at the very least ensures they’re aware and they’ve checked off the boxes knowingly.


Not sure if this is helpful, but I hope it’s a start! I’ll keep an eye out for any better solutions.



Thanks so much, Jillian, for looking into this. I really appreciate it.