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Integrated payment system with One-Off Meeting possible?

  • 1 December 2023
  • 2 replies

I use Calendly mostly for tutoring sessions. Users can book me for an hour to ask questions or learn about Houdini software. The main structure of Calendly works great for this so far. Users can pick a time based on dates and time ranges I’ve setup, but I do get special case users that want a different day/time. I will manually setup a One-Off Meeting for these, but I lose the structure of having them go through the payment system. Is there a way to set a one-off with the same rules I’ve applied the main event options?

Right now I have to send a separate paypal invoice, then check for the payment, then send the one-off URL to the user to officially book the meeting.


Perhaps there’s a better way for me to handle this too? I just need to have it as automated as possible to save me time so I can focus on the work side of things.

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2 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @David81818 - great question, and good news - there is a way to do this!

Our Customize Once and Share tool allows you to make edits to an existing even type (so, an event type where you are collecting payments) such as the name, availability, duration and more. All you have to do is use this tool to make those edits and customize the event type for one person and it will then generate a single-use link for you to send to them. 

I hope this helps!

Hey there @David81818 - great question, and good news - there is a way to do this!

Our Customize Once and Share tool allows you to make edits to an existing even type (so, an event type where you are collecting payments) such as the name, availability, duration and more. All you have to do is use this tool to make those edits and customize the event type for one person and it will then generate a single-use link for you to send to them. 

I hope this helps!


Ah! Brilliant. Thank you. This will save me so much trouble.