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When people try to set up an meeting on my Calendly page, it opens their Calendly page instead. Thoughts?

Hey @khesbol - thanks for your post! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

Unfortunately, I am not quite sure what exactly might be happening, here! My first guess would be user error - that your invitees are somehow clicking the wrong link when attempting to schedule an event with you. Another possibility is that you have input a bad URL into your event type(s), so check that (or those) out in your event type settings to make sure it’s the URL you want for each event type you have set up and turned on. 

If you still run into issues, I’d ask your invitees running into this problem to send you screenshots/screen recordings outlining exactly what they are doing, what they see when they click and what URL they are clicking. Then, you will have a better idea and you can relay that information to us for further troubleshooting! 

Thanks, Kelsi - neither of your kind suggestions worked. It’s still defaulting to the person’s account who is trying to schedule a meeting. I’m lost without Calendly - and appreciate any additional support you can offer.


With appreciation,


Hi Kristina!

Hmm. Do you mind locating the link your invitees should be receiving and letting me know which of the following it most closely matches?


Thank you!

Thanks, Jillian - The URL at the top of the page is but the link on the page for invitees to use is<edited-for-privacy>


I appreciate your support very much!



Got it. So if any of your invitees are using the link, they’ll end up being taken to their personal Calendly page which would explain what you’re seeing. The only link you’d want to share with your invitees would be your second link that has your username in it. It sounds like you might have shared the first instead!

Thanks very much - I’ll switch that now and see how it works.

Many, many thanks!
