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Last names appear before First names on Scheduled Events page

  • 17 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to change how the names appear to me while using Calendly and viewing people’s names within this event from LastName FirstName in Calendly to FirstName LastName.

Below is how all names appear within my scheduled events. I’m assuming a setting was changed by me, but I didn’t intend to change it if it was me.


Hey there @GriffinAMT -- thanks for your post!

I took a look and it does not appear that all of your bookings are listed this way. I also ran a test event for you and it booked in “First Name > Last Name” as expected!

My guess would be that some of your invitees are simply inputting their info this way. Let me know if I am missing something and we can look deeper! If that’s the case, I would also suggest our support team. You can reach out to our support team, available 24/7 via live chat, by logging into your Calendly account > clicking “chat with us” in the bottom righthand corner.

They can give more personalized troubleshooting assistance! Good luck!