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I can't seem to unlock the calendar beyond 60 days. I want to use the Month of April, but Calendly blocks at March 25th (60 days). I didn't have that problem berfore. Any idea why? 

Hi @Simon81221!

Can you tell me more about what happens when you try to change the settings? What happens if you change it to 90 days and click ‘Save and close’? How about ‘Indefinitely into the future’ and then ‘Save and close’?


Hi Jillian, 

You found the answer (quite an obvious one) that I just didn’t see. I’m up an running thanks to you! :) 



If it makes you feel any better, the frequency in which I miss the ‘save’ button in all sorts of different platforms is far more than I care to admit. 😫

Glad I was able to help. Let us know if we can assist with anything else!