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My firm offers 1 hour meeting slots.  My working hours are 9am to 5pm and I need a 1 hour buffer in between all meetings.  I would like to limit my meeting slots offered to be only 10am (first meeting), 12pm, 2pm, 4pm (last meeting) OR 10am, 1pm, 3pm (for those others in our office who leave earlier). 

How can I set this up in calendly?  I only want people to see these meeting times, nothing else?  Also, knowing that calendly stacks buffer times, I would set the buffer time to 30 min so that the buffer before and after the appointment end up being 1 hour.  

Is this do able in calendly?



Hi Jennifer!


My apologies, but to give you an adequate answer, I think I need a little more information about your intended use of these two schedules. When you say “(for those others in our office who leave earlier)” are you implying that you schedule meetings for others on your team? Or do you mean that you need two different availability schedules based on when your second meeting happens?


I will say upfront that Calendly does not have dynamic availability settings which change based on certain inputs. That is to say, Calendly only supports static availability settings. That said, there is usually a workaround to these issues and I’m happy to help you find a solution!