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Limiting Round Robin Bookings

  • 7 March 2024
  • 1 reply

I’d like to limit the number of instances n of a Round Robin event even if there are more than n possible hosts. My use case is sales meeting bookings for a conference. There are five salespeople, but we want only two meetings (with any salesperson) booked at any given time. This includes overlaps; for example, if meetings are 30 minutes long but can be booked n 15-minute increments, we would allow both a 1:15 and a 1:30 meeting, but not another 1:30 in addition to those.

Hey there @Kaley White - great questions, here! I created a new topic for you from the comment that you left on another topic, as it was not quite in-line with that topic’s convo and I didn’t want it to get lost in the sauce! I hope you don’t mind. 🙂

Firstly - check out our New User Guide - it’ll answer a lot of questions as you get started. You’ll also want to read our Company Admin Guide - it’ll answer questions about things like Round Robin events! 

At this time there is no way to specifically limit a Round Robin Event Type in the way you are hoping. If you have five hosts assigned and all five hosts have availability, and you have not limited the event type to (for example) 2 bookings a day, then all hosts that have availability will remain able to be booked. 

You could try to limit this by setting up more than one Round Robin, however, and then implement routing to limit the event types that invitees have to “deal with” or choose from on the booking page. 

This might look like, in your use case, setting up three RRETs - two with two hosts and one with the remaining one host - and limiting each to X bookings per day. Then, you can implement routing (more below). You can also make sure to use “optimize for equal distribution” on your RRETs (read more on that here). 

Routing forms let you request information such as industry, company size, specific interests, etc. from website visitors and automatically direct them to a specific scheduling or web page based on their responses. It's great for screening and qualifying sales leads on a website or matching clients or students to the booking page of the right subject-matter expert based on their interests, program, or other criteria. You can read more about setting up routing forms, here!

You might also be interested in this new feature: 

These work around ideas are far from picture perfect - I know that for sure! I am trying to come up with creative ways to meet your goal, but at this time, there is no way to do what you are asking within the Calendly features we have in place. I’m sorry! Let me know if you get stuck on any of this - perhaps we can brainstorm more!