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Hello I have a question that I’m not able to find a clear answer about google analytcs integration.

I have a google anlytics acompte for my website and we are about to purchase the calendly standard vesion to have some data. 

My question is do I need like an analytics acompte juste for calendly or can it be link to my current google analytics of my website, so I have the data of exemple people  coming from an ads campagne and see if they ask for an appointment.



Hi @Matteo06463!

Good question. You wouldn’t need an entirely new Google Analytics account, but since it’s a different property/app you’d need to set it up as such. This data would be specifically looking at traffic to your booking page, similar to how you currently measure traffic, sources, visitors, etc. to your website. It’s essentially 2 separate websites.

You can read more about the GA setup here:
