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  • 5 November 2023
  • 1 reply

How does an invite include a specific location, a unique location?  For example, I’m using a platform called Each interview  address is unique because each is a one-time use. Where do I put the link and how does Calendly know what and how to include in an invite?  If I create an invite, do I add to each one by one?

Hi there, @Jack06146!

With most Calendly event types, the location is set for that event type specifically and applies to all bookings made within that event type. This means the same location will be included in all calendar invitations or email confirmations for an event type. You can use variables to include the meeting location, but, again - it will be the same for each booking.

To meet your goal, there are a few tools you might be interested in.

The first I’d suggest is our Customize Once and Share tool. This allows you to customize an existing event type (i.e. change the location, duration, available hours and more) for a specific person and share a single-use link for that person.

The second I’d suggest is our One-Off Meeting tool. This is exactly what it sounds like - a one time meeting (with a single-use link) that can be made outside of your regular availability/regular existing event types.

Check out the Help Center links and let me know what you think! Additionally, this topic I created about the Customize Once and Share tool includes a video tutorial: 

This topic about one-off meetings includes a video tutorial as well: 

I hope this helps! Let us know, and we’ll be here! =)